Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 7: Assistive Technology

Special education is a term that includes two definitions. One definition in a child that is mentally or physically disabled. The second definition of special education is a type of curriculum that supports students labeled as "gifted." Technology has proven itself useful not only in the general classroom but also in the special education  classroom. 

Due to the academic standards set by NCLB, the inclusion classroom is in need of technology, especially "assistive technology" (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 402). Technology has always been a term to explain how to make society's life more functional. In the past, assistive technology was used to help those with a physical disability. However, assistive technology has grown to include software programs and other types of hardware (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 400). 

Now that assistive technology is merging into instructional planning, differentiation can now be more feasible. Listed below are some common known disabilities and some assistive technologies that can help aid those in need. 

Common Disabilities and Assentive Technologies

Mild Disabilities
Students with mild disabilities could educationally benefit from interactive notebooks and basic reading or math skills practice software.

Website Suggestion
Hardware Suggestion
Livescribe Pen

Moderate to Severe Disabilities
Students with this type of exceptionality could educationally benefit from videos or software that support day to day needs.

Website Suggestion
Hardware Suggestion
Tobii ATI

Physical Disabilities
Students will physical disabilities could educationally benefit from technology that would allow them to be more kinesthetic.

Website Suggestion
Dragon Dictation
Hardware Suggestion  
Air Parrot

Sensory Disabilities
Students with sensory disabilities could educationally benefit from technology that could increase in vision or hearing.

Website Suggestion
Hardware Suggestion

At-Risk Behaviors/ Students
Students with at-risk behavior would educationally benefit from technology that increased student motivation and engagement.

Website Suggestion
Hardware Suggestion

Gifts and Talents
Students that at gifted would educationally benefit from technology that increased the expectations of the current state standards.

Website Suggestion
Hardware Suggestion 


Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H.  (2013).  Integrating educational technology into teaching.
Boston, MA:  Pearson Education, Inc.

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